Follow the adventures of a sad sad girl who graduated too soon and is suffering from nerd withdrawals. Also, she decided that having her
friends piece together what she's doing from sporadic and wildly dispersed postcards isn't going to work.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Food time.

A combination of eccentric taste buds and never eating out as a kid made me incompetent in recommending food eating places.  Luckily, my first cousin, once removed, AKA UNCLE GARY (yesss even though he's only 4 years older than me, I will reserve the right to make him feel old.  Right back at ya, patriarchy.) is out to remedy that.  

First off, investigative journalism at its best.  We went to some tasty smoothie place, but they wouldn't let me take pictures, so all I got is the menu before they started yelling at me.

I got the coconut and grass jelly drink to the right (SUPER TASTY.) and Uncle Gary got the watermelon coconut grass jelly.  I think mine tasted better.   I didn't get a chance to remember the name of the place though, but I know its somewhere in Chinatown, haha.  Just know that it existed in May 2011.  :D

Another tasty place is this: 

Hehe, I feel like Stefon from SNL.  Except less creepy and enthusiastic.  Feel free to read the rest of the post in his voice though - that's exactly what I'm doing.  

The restaurant, according to Uncle Gary, is owned by Koreans, but they make Northern Chinese food!  Not that I know anything about what those northerners eat, except that they don't eat copious amounts of rice like we do.

I ordered the house special, which was noodle fried in sauce, I think.  Again, can't read Chinese.  I am useless. D:

But I can tell you it was delicious.  There's sauce you add to it (obviously, from the picture) and it is amazing.  MMM.  The noodles are all soft and chewy, and ahhh now I'm getting hungry.  I think it's a midnight snack time.  Plus there's tons of side dishes that came with the noodles.  Kim chi, some onion thing,  mmm.

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