Follow the adventures of a sad sad girl who graduated too soon and is suffering from nerd withdrawals. Also, she decided that having her
friends piece together what she's doing from sporadic and wildly dispersed postcards isn't going to work.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Living la Vida Isla Vista

Sup.  I'm Ann and I live five minutes away from the beach.  No biggie.  So close that I, who can barely run a lap at the ARC, can run there.  Glorious.

This can be my view every morning, if I had the ability to wake up a bit earlier than I need to go to work, and  run for 2 minutes.  Ridiculous.

In all honesty, Santa Barbara is absolutely gorgeous.  Cold, but when the sun comes out, it is absolutely breathtaking.  I love Isla Vista.  Maybe not so much when I was trying to finish up my two soil science papers and neighbors blasted music from 8-5...ish.  (YEA.  Who gets up at 8 to blast Party Rock Anthem??  Oh wait, I do!  I belong here.)

Today I went for a nice Saturday morning run, and just seeing everyone walking around IV to get to their favorite breakfast place/ doing the walk of shame/ hungover was just so...peaceful!  There's something really special about this place, and I'm excited to explore more of it.

IV is how I imaging Berkeley if it was near the shore...and slightly more relaxed...with a tad less crime...and less homeless people.  OK.  Let's just say it's like, downtown Davis near a beach, but way more ghetto.  And apartments everywhere.  And it's not 100 degrees in the summer.  :(  Boo.  There's a chance for thunderstorms today!!  CRAZY.  As I type, I'm hiding underneath the a sundress.  I dressed very optimistically today.  And also, since I don't have to work today -- no lab wear!  Yayy.

Anyways, I tried taking some pictures of Isla Vista that would really capture the atmosphere.  I decided that riding my bike + taking pics at the same time was an excellent idea, and this poor skateboarder  in the picture fell (literally, seconds after I took this picture), and I totally ran over her.   Ahahahaa.... 

She's ok.  These Isla Vista folks are resilient.  Probably should work on their skateboarding skills but whatev.

IV. Palm trees everywhere!

I was extremely lucky in getting a bike so quickly.  After the uh, unfortunate incident with my  mini van and a parking lot pole, I immediately headed straight for craigslist to find a bike that won't fall apart. I managed to get this black, super ghetto looking, cruiser from a guy who just got his PhD in History!  And he's from San Jose!  MY PEOPLE. It's a tad too tall for me; I'm going to have to figure out how to adjust the bike seat.  But it gets the job done. :)

That's it for now!  Here's some pictures of my favorite ocean.